Auto Refinance Savings Calculator

Find out how much you could save by crunching a few numbers with our easy-to-use Auto Refinance Savings calculator.

Today’s auto refinance rates

New/Used Auto Loan Refinance Rates – Cars, Trucks, SUVs and Motorcycles
Model YearTermAPR‍1 As Low AsMonthly Payment
2022 or newer24 months5.99%$664.74
36 months6.49%$459.67
48 months6.69%$357.04
60 months6.89%$296.24
72 months7.19%$257.11
84 months7.99%$233.72
2021 and older‍224 months6.49%$668.13
36 months6.74%$461.38
48 months6.99%$359.12
60 months7.24%$298.72
72 months7.49%$259.28
84 months8.24%$235.59
Accurate as of 05/02/2024


  1. APR = Annual Percentage Rate. All rates accurate as of 05/02/2024 and are subject to change. Rates include a 1% discount when registered for Digital Banking and subscribed to eStatements, and a 1% discount for auto-paying electronically. Loan term must be at least 24 months. Minimum loan amount is $10,000. Payments calculated on a loan amount of $15,000. Individual rates and terms may vary and include all eligible discounts. Certain restrictions apply. Offer does not apply to loans currently financed at Connexus Credit Union. Offer subject to change or termination.
  2. To be eligible for the lowest available rate, term length restrictions apply. Model years 2019-2021 have a maximum term of 84 months. Model years 2017-2021 have a maximum term of 72 months. Model years 2016 and older have a maximum term length of 60 months.