Internet Security
How we protect you
Your protection is our top priority, so we invest in countless resources to keep your information safe, including a dedicated fraud team that monitors your account for suspicious activity. If we notice anything unusual, we will reach out to you.
Here is our public privacy and authentication key: PGP Public Key
How you can protect yourself
- Look at reviews and Better Business Bureau status before purchasing on unfamiliar sites.
- Review your eStatements regularly. Sign up for eStatements.
- Avoid opening links and attachments in emails from unfamiliar senders.
- Delete any emails that ask for personal information (address, SSN, account number, etc.).
- Download apps only from official stores, like the Apple App Store® or Google Play™.
- Avoid using untrusted wireless networks.
Protect your account in three, easy steps.
The internet is an incredible resource, but it can be dangerous if you’re not careful. Hackers and scammers are always looking for new ways to get your information, no matter what kind of device you’re on. However, there are measures you can take to prevent internet scams. Review the three tips below for more information on how to keep your account secure online.
Register for Digital Banking
With Digital Banking, you can track recent activity and set up notifications to alert you when transactions are made.
Report fraudulent activity
If you suspect fraud, call us immediately so we can put a hold on your account.
Strengthen your password
You can use How secure is my or to rate the strength of your passwords.
Have a question?
App Store® is a service mark of Apple® Inc. Google Play™ is a trademark of Google™ Inc.