Connexus Blog

When it comes to managing your finances, knowledge is power. Whether you are looking for information about debt management, homeownership, fraud prevention, or other money matters, find the resources to foster financial wellness on the Connexus blog.

Category: Security & Fraud

How to Secure Your Smartphone

With so much identity theft in the news, you’ve hopefully taken steps to secure your home computer. Have you done the same for your smartphone? Odds are you haven’t.

Is Identity Theft Protection Worth It?

If you’re not familiar with how credit reports work, you can be tempted to pay for a credit monitoring service. But are they really worth it?

How to Stay Safe With a Smart Home Device

As the latest and greatest gadgets make your home smarter and more efficient, it’s important to secure the connected devices throughout your home.

Should I Use a Password Manager?

There are tools that create passwords, update them, and supply them to you when you need to log in to any service. They’re convenient, but are they safe?

11 Common Online Behaviors That Threaten Your Security

Cybersecurity should always be top of mind, so take a minute to uncover the common online behaviors that put you at risk, both at home and in the workplace.