Kiplinger Names Connexus to 2023 Best Credit Unions List
Following an evaluation of credit unions nationwide, Connexus Credit Union was named one of 2023’s Best Credit Unions by the respected personal finance website and publisher Kiplinger.
Why Connexus Made the List
Kiplinger’s article highlighted several reasons why Connexus made this exclusive list alongside two other nationally recognized credit unions.
The write-up noted that all our checking accounts are free and that our Xtraordinary Checking Account offers members up to 1.75% APY1 when monthly activity requirements are met.
Kiplinger also mentioned that Connexus offers “impressive” yields on Certificates, noting specifically our leading returns on 12-month standard Certificates.
Their write-up on Connexus also noted that membership is available to “customers anywhere in the U.S.” via a one-time $5 donation to the Connexus Association and a $5 deposit in a Member Share Savings Account.
Kiplinger’s Methodology
Kiplinger is known for applying thorough, fair, and factual methods when analyzing and recommending financial institutions.
Their methodology includes expert evaluation of financial products and services via “quantitative or qualitative scoring systems” and other independent, trusted methods. Their rigorous evaluations underscore their commitment to the “highest standards of ethical professionalism.”
Connexus is proud to be recognized as one of the nation’s best credit unions, and we look forward to continuing to serve the financial needs of our members. You can read the full “Best Of” article at Kiplinger.com.